I am writing to inform you that you, as a colour, will not become mainstream in the market for men's clothing. I apologize for the hurt and pain this will probably cause, but the majority of the male population does not like you. Not to say you don't have a market out there, you do, but it's very small. Society has painted negative connotations about you that men cannot accept. They cannot drape you over their bodies and feel comfortable about it. You can blame women and little girls for that, it's their fault men don't like you. They've made you cute, adorable, feminine and weak. It isn't fair, I know, you're probably really angry and upset but, there's nothing you can do. Men don't like you because you're pink, it's as simple as that. It hurts me to say this is about clothing racism, it isn't fair to you, but you need to know the truth. It's embarrassing to see you sitting amongst the male accepted colours all bright and obnoxious looking and having no idea what people really think about you. I know you wonder why your friends blue, brown, red, black, grey and green are all being purchased while you stay behind. It's not because they want you to "hold the fort" it's because no one likes you and they're not brave enough to say it to your face, if you even have a face.
Anyways, I am sorry it has come to this. I hope that, in time, you can get passed this and learn to accept that you are and will forever be a colour among women. Take care, and to answer your question...no, you're not invited to my Birthday. You're pink, I'm a dude and I hate you.
Sincerely, D.
P.S. Purple sends it's condolences and a 'I know how you feel' card.

Oh the colour pink. There is this extremely obnoxious knitted sweater at work that is the pinkest thing I have ever seen. And you know this is serious because I'm colour blind and usually confuse pink for being grey or cream. It sits on a table among all these other knitted sweaters which are dark in colour. The pink stack is the highest and untouched while the other piles are dwindled and in need to be refolded. I saw this sweater and thought, "If colours had a personality that pink is either totally embarrassed of itself or completely aloof." I wonder why designers keep trying to make pink happen for men. In my experience with working in clothing retail I know that pink does not sell for men. I also know that they won't quit making pink garments. What makes them decide to try it again and again? Do designers have meetings about the upcoming trends where one guy is belligerent in convincing them that pink is in? Does this one guy say things like,
"Hey you guys, I was praying, meditating and conversing with my inner colour aura and it told me that pink is totally going to happen this year for men. I know you didn't believe me last year when my magic 8-ball said it was going to happen. But this is different, this is my colour aura you guys. Colour auras don't lie."
I don't know how it goes, all I know is that the pink is either sent back to the warehouse or the sales target is directed towards bigger women.
You won't happen pink.
Until then,
How do you really know it's pink? Did someone tell you?
ReplyDeleteI LOVED this!
ReplyDeleteEven though Pink actually ROCKS ;)
Well now, since my NAME is Pinky,I am so sorry men don't want to wear PINK! Actually my husband looks HOT in a gray suit with a pink shirt....OH BABY! Maybe you should ask women how they feel about a guy in pink????:):) I'll be back! Pinky
ReplyDeleteNow you're in for it D! You've got Pinky on your a** (I'd have used the real letters but I am still your auntie and all)
ReplyDeleteThe Victoria Market And The Fashion Conscience Shoppers Of The Bay Really Reflect The World Market And High Fashion Trends And Shopping Patterns…
ReplyDeletePink Was SO Spring Summer 2009, It Managed To Make Several Major Covers And Editorials In Almost Every Major Fashion Magazine…
But Don't Worry Devon Spring Summer 2010 Is All About Transparent Blacks, But Everything In Fashion Comes Back Around…
Having Said This I Don't Like Douchebag Guys That Wear Pink Because They Think It Makes The Look Metro Or Fashionable…
Yes, I know pink was Spring/Summer 2009. Pink was the reason stores like my former place of employment and other stores in the mall I worked at couldn't sell a lot of their stock for men, because of brighter colours, such as pink.
ReplyDeleteThat's great that it made covers and editorials, but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll make money. The vast majority of men (In North America, at least) could care less about fashion magazines and editorials. For someone who loves fashion as much as you do, then my little harmless comment about pink wouldn't make sense to you. But as a whole, it won't ever be as accepted as Black or Brown regardless of the ad coverage it gets.
Pink was pretty popular for men back in the 80's. A lot of men wore it. It's tanked since then. It should have tanked then. And, by "tank", I don't me "tank top".
ReplyDeleteLove the post Devon but I have some slight corrections: Woman are not responsible for the "bad" connotations surrounding the color pink. No, actually it's MEN who are to blame. You're the ones who made it so maybe you should wear it! Then you can change the connotations to be stubborn, pretentious, and foolish-those are male traits, right? J/K
ReplyDeleteDevon is RACIST!
ReplyDeleteBlamo, I know just the colour for you: greeeeeen.
ReplyDeleteYou at the hate and controversy you have created Devon - or wait, was this pink's doing? Pink strikes again!
My old glasses have two words for you Devon...I won't repeat them here.